Azita Iskandar

Azita Iskandar's Fundraiser

Help MHAS provide free legal services for low-income folks with mental health disabilities image

Help MHAS provide free legal services for low-income folks with mental health disabilities

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,435 towards $2,000

Please consider making a donation in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month!

Mental Health Advocacy Services (MHAS) is a legal aid nonprofit organization that provides free legal services to low-income adults and children with mental health disabilities. Folks living with mental illness often face stigma and discrimination that create barriers to housing, employment, income stability, and education. But it shouldn't have to be this way.

The attorneys and other advocates at MHAS serve as a critical resource for folks living will mental illness by helping them understand and assert their legal rights. Through MHAS' free legal advice and counsel, low-income folks and their families are able to navigate complex legal systems and procedures to ensure that they have access to the services needed to live with dignity and stability.

MHAS's programs focus on assisting individuals with mental health disabilities by:

  • fighting housing discrimination through legal representation, fair housing training, and community education;
  • protecting individuals struggling with consumer law issues, including enforcement of fair debt collection laws and credit reparation;
  • advising individuals on issues pertaining to government benefits, including the SSI application process and post-eligibility issues such as benefit terminations, overpayments, and disability reviews;
  • providing physical and mental health care to low-income mothers during and after pregnancy;
  • conducting community training sessions to teach parents and caregivers how to obtain special education services for their children with mental health needs;
  • providing formerly incarcerated individuals with legal services in the areas of expungement, employment, housing, and criminal justice debt, in an effort to minimize barriers to re-entry; and
  • providing low-income tenants with pre-eviction and eviction legal services to improve housing stability and reduce the risk of homelessness.

To learn more about MHAS's mission and programs, please visit