Make a year-end gift today! image

Make a year-end gift today!

Your support allows MHAS to continue its mission of protecting and advancing the rights of people with mental health disabilities.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Thank you for your support!

The mission of Mental Health Advocacy Services is to protect and advance the legal rights of children and adults with mental disabilities, in order to maximize autonomy, promote equality, and secure the resources needed to thrive in the community.

At a time when 1 in 5 Americans experience mental illness each year, the need for free legal services for these individuals and families is more important now than ever before.

Here at MHAS, our staff serve more than 3,000 low-income people with mental health disabilities every year, with an emphasis on government benefits, housing, and special education. In 2019, MHAS also provided over 100 trainings to 1,500 attendees, including parents, community partners, mental health professionals, and other key stakeholders.

Thank you for your continuous support of Mental Health Advocacy Services. Our work would not be possible without you. As the year comes to an end, we ask that you consider making a tax-deductible end-of-year gift to help us continue our work in 2020.

Thank you and, from all of us at MHAS, we wish you a happy holiday season!